"Mutual Accountability"
"When Cephas came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he stood condemned" ~ Galatians 2:11
This one short verse seems problematic without properly understanding the context. "Cephas" is another name for Peter, so what we have here is a confrontation between two of the most influential apostles in the history of the Church. Paul's boldness to publicly oppose Peter, then also to turn around and write about it, seems like the very thing we might condemn today. Some would even say it's an example of "toxic masculinity". But Paul gives his clear reason - Peter stood condemned. The rest of the passage outlines Peter's sin; he behaved according to fear of his peers rather than the gospel. Paul's willingness to oppose him was ultimately based on a love for Peter and an urgency to maintain the truth of the good news of Jesus Christ. Peter was a leader in the Church, and his sin would lead others astray as well. Paul was willing to risk losing friendships and being labeled a "meanie" in order to stand in truth and love. This, my friends, is the responsibility of ALL believers. This week at Friendship, we'll talk about "Mutual Accountability", another mark of the faith that helps us work out our salvation with fear and trembling. Join us to hear about God's plan for you to stay accountable, as well as help restore others who currently stand condemned.