"Go Tell it on the Mountain"
"And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; He will crush your head, and you will strike his heel." - Genesis 3:15 NIV We know that it would be only a few short years before Satan tried to kill Jesus by using Herod when he ordered that every male child in Bethlehem be murdered, but God had other plans for His Son and sent an angel to tell them to move to Egypt! Have you told anyone about what Jesus did for us and why we celebrate His birth on Christmas?
This weekend at Friendship Community Church, we will be ending our sermon series on Christmas songs with "Go Tell It on the Mountain!" For some, they make Christmas about themselves and their needs. But for followers of Jesus Christ, it is, and must always be, about Him and His message! He told us that our life on earth will be filled with challenges and trials, but He will be with us always, and our job is to live like Jesus and tell everyone about our Lord and Savior! When we are at our worst, we need to pray for the strength to shout it the loudest. If you are reading this email, then He still has work for you and people for you to share His message with. So join us this weekend, invite some family and friends with you, and be encouraged by His message!