"Love & Liberty"

May 12, 2024    Pastor Logan Ames

"She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness" ~ Proverbs 31:26-27

On this Mother's Day weekend, we first of all think about all of the mothers and other women God has brought into our lives who do His will and we are thankful to Him for them. His purpose and work for them is blessed. The woman of noble character described in detail in Proverbs 31 not only instructs her children faithfully in the Lord, but she also watches over them, provides for their needs, and refuses idleness. When you think about it, the two verses above reveal the two primary ways that parents help their children avoid stumbling - faithful and true teaching, and keeping an eye on them. The parallel for the Church is clear. In the Church, we are all God's children, so we all must instruct one another AND pay attention that others do not stumble as a result of our action or inaction. This week at Friendship, as we dig into Romans 14, we'll discuss the "Love & Liberty" we have in Christ. While being His followers gives us freedom in many areas of life, freedom does not trump love, and we must act in love in all we do. It doesn't trump lordship either, as Christ still has the final say over what is right and wrong for us. Join us as we find out more about what this means for our conduct as believers!