Don't Miss The Party
Guest Speaker - Lance Finley, Executive Director of the Churches of God, General Conference
Have you ever missed out on something important in your life or in the lives of those close to you because of a scheduling conflict, and then later wished you would've done whatever it takes to get there? Chances are, everyone who is reading this has experienced something like that at some point. It's not always easy to know what the best decision is when two conflicting desires come head-to-head, so it's important that we carefully evaluate what's in store for us if we take either option. Jesus once told a story to those around a table with him about how the kingdom of God will be like a great party and feast. When everything was prepared and the Master was ready to get the party started, He tried to round up those who had been invited, but one by one they each made excuses for why they couldn't make it. Little did they know that this was not a party they could show up fashionably late to. Once they refused to come, their reservations were pulled, and others took their spots. This week at Friendship, as we spend the weekend celebrating 30 years of blessings and ministry, we're honored to bring in Lance Finley, executive director of the Churches of God General Conference (our parent denomination), to bring us this important message warning us to make sure we are not missing out on the Lord's party due to whatever might be distracting us. Join us to celebrate what the Lord has done here, as well as what He is planning to do WITH us if we don't miss out!