"Don't Forget to Remember"

Jul 28, 2024

"In the future, when your children ask you, 'What do these stones mean?' tell them that the flow of the Jordan was cut off before the ark of the covenant of the Lord. When it crossed the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan were cut off. These stones are to be a memorial to the people of Israel forever" ~ Joshua 4:6b-7

This is one of my (Logan's) favorite stories in the Bible, and in fact is one I used this past Saturday while preaching to our brothers and sisters in Mexico. The picture here is actually titled (pillars of remembrance). God did an amazing work to get the Israelites across the Jordan River during flood stage, and they all knew it was God who did it. But they were now heading into the Promised Land where the current occupants would not want to leave passively and quietly. There were going to be battles, first and foremost over the fortified city of Jericho. The only way this Israelite army would be able to take possession of the land God was giving them was to truly believe He was giving it and trust Him to go before them. This would require great faith, but that's why they needed the pillars of remembrance. The visual reminder of the stones taken from the middle of the flooding river when they walked through on dry ground would help them keep walking by faith in the future tests God would give them. We likewise need such reminders. When we face difficult circumstances, we ought to always be able to look back on what God has already done so that we can trust Him once again. This week at Friendship, you'll be reminded, "Don't Forget to Remember". If you are struggling to believe that you can trust God, come and hear a message out of Ecclesiastes 9 that will encourage you to remember all He has done and is doing.