"The Whole Point"

Aug 18, 2024    Associate Pastor Ben Sorbello

But they will reply, 'It's no use. We will continue with our own plans; we will all follow the stubbornness of our evil hearts.'" ~ Jeremiah 18:12

This is what happens when we forget to follow Jesus Christ. Now that we have finished with our reading of Ecclesiastes, what is the point? What did we learn from the past three months? Are we stronger as individual members of the body of Christ? Are we stronger as a local body of Christ in Dover, PA? Are we making our community stronger around us?

Again, what is the point of reading our bibles, coming to worship God, and fellowshipping with our brothers and sisters in Christ every week? Why do we get up everyday and live our lives the way we do? These are all good questions to meditate on as we prepare for this week's message from the Holy Spirit of God on Ecclesiastes 12 and, "What's the Point?".