Clothed With Power

Apr 26, 2020    Ben Sorbello

Super Hero… what is the first name you think of…when we think of those words there are many possible answers. This week’s message as we Journey From the Empty Tomb is on, “Clothed with Power”. When we think of Power and Super Hero there is really only one name that should come to our minds and that is JESUS. Some could have thought Superman or Wonder Woman, or Hancock, but these are all fictional characters. The REAL Super Heroes walked amongst us. Recently I read a great book by Logan Ames about Heroes of our Faith and in there we meet many True Heroes. Take for example someone that could part a river with a staff, or a woman who could save a nation because of her looks and words. How about someone that built a boat and saved humanity. These are all pretty good heroes, but what makes a Super Hero? Moving through time and space? Being able to raise the Dead? Heal the lame? Give sight to the blind? Or maybe even walk on water? Or someone that saved mankind from eternal damnation by one act of selfless Love… I know someone that even Created SOMETHING FROM NOTHING…do you want to know who? We have Power inside all of us that is truly Super and it was given to us as a gift, we couldn’t earn it or buy it, but we have it, we just have to believe. Check out this message on Sunday and hear how you are Super because of the gift of the Holy Spirit!