The Tomb Is Empty

Apr 12, 2020    Ben Sorbello

As we enter into Easter Weekend, let us prepare our hearts and minds by putting ourselves in Jerusalem on the day when Jesus was entering on a donkey. If we were in the crowd, we were anxiously awaiting this man called Jesus. We would have heard of many of the miracles that he was doing in Capernaum and the neighboring towns in Galilee. Maybe we would have been with him when he was teaching on the Mount. On the other hand, we might have been with him when he raised Lazarus from the dead after he was wrapped and entombed for four days in Bethany, which was less than two miles from Jerusalem, according to John 11:18. So, he passes by us and proceeds to go into town with his disciples, and we return to our homes or stores and continue on with our day, wondering, "could this man be the Messiah we heard about at temple?" How would we spend our time that week? Would we spend it complaining about our circumstances or neighbors? Would we complain about our job or not having enough food for Passover supper? Just a few days later, when we heard this Jesus fellow was being brought to the governor Pontius Pilate and we rushed over there to see the commotion and then we started to cheer, “FREE BARABBAS!", would we wonder what happened to us? We knew he performed miracles; we knew he talked about repentance and Love. We knew Barabbas was a criminal and murderer. WE KNEW. As I reflect on this message, it reminds me of the words of the old hymn, “Were you there?”. Were you there when they nailed Him to the cross? Were you there when they laid Him in the tomb? Sometimes it causes me to Tremble, Tremble, Tremble. We should take this time to search our hearts and minds, and then get on our knees and thank the Lord for what he did for us so that we do not have to Tremble, but REJOICE instead. When he took our sins to the cross with him he gave us a new life with Him. Matthew 16:24 says, "Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” This happened months before he was crucified, making this a prophecy. So this week, I invite us to take up our crosses and follow Jesus; do not let the world shake our FAITH but RENEW IT!