Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God" ~ Mark 10:27
Our Lord was kind of known for doing things that could not be explained by human logic. Countless miracles in both the Old Testament and New Testament remind us that even when circumstances and logic tell us something inconsistent with God's word, His promises can be trusted. In the context of the above verse, Jesus actually wasn't performing any miracles. Instead, He was speaking to His disciples about the greatest miracle of all - sinful man re-entering the presence of God in heaven for all of eternity. It is possible with God through Jesus only because we are justified by grace through faith, not by adherence to the law. This is the faith upon which our faithful father Abraham believed and acted, and the same faith from which we must not waver. This week at Friendship, we'll take a closer look at Abraham's faith and what Paul says about it in Romans 4. We'll also consider what it means for us to be "Unwavering" in it, trusting that God's promises will be true even when the "facts" don't line up in our minds. Join us for this encouragement to keep trusting!