Is God Still Here? January 20, 2019

Pastor Logan Ames

Have you ever wondered if God has abandoned you? Have you ever worried that God WILL abandon you? If you've answered "yes" to either of these questions, you probably find it very difficult to trust him and be fully committed to the faith you have in him. You would be no different than the very first followers of Jesus, who were first disciples and then set apart to be apostles. When they gathered with Jesus on the Mount of Olives, they had no clue he was about to disappear before their eyes, seemingly abandoning them. Yet, he promised them he would send the Holy Spirit in a short time. What did they do while they waited to see if God was going to show up again? This week at Friendship, as we begin our series called "Souled Out" going through the Book of Acts, we'll answer that question to help us consider what we can do when we're not sure God is still there. When we seek him and anticipate his work and power, we find that he has never truly abandoned us and never will. We invite you watch this video and be blessed.