Dance Upon The Heartache
When we go through periods of intense pain and heartache, it can often control every area of our lives. It saps the joy and life right out of us and makes it hard to find the necessary motivation for even the most mundane tasks of life, such as eating, working, exercising, or cleaning. When we're in the depths of those painful seasons, it might seem like we'll never be able to recover, like the pain is what defines us now. But the God we serve is able to pull us out of those depths. He is able to restore that joy and liveliness to us. This week at Friendship, we'll look at what is necessary for us to move from a season of pain to a season of dancing upon that heartache as we trust and surrender to God. Only He can truly take us from the worst heartache to the most joyful celebration. This message will benefit you whether you've already overcome the heartache, are in the midst of it now, or know someone who is. You can't miss it!