Say A Prayer

Jan 26, 2020    Pastor Logan Ames

We've been walking through our series called "Burn the Ships" where we are urging you to not only leave the comfort zone to step out in faith and follow God into the unknown, but also to destroy the very thing that brought you comfort in the past. This is necessary because most of us will retreat when the going gets tough as long as the option is there. While we believe God is challenging us to abandon the things that have been keeping us safe and comfortable, we recognize that making such a decision can produce fear, hopelessness, and anxiety. What do we do when we're scared? To whom do we turn? This week at Friendship, we'll look at the importance of prayer as we're stepping into obedience, as well as the general need for it during any of life's struggles. Do you realize how much you need God? Are you willing to seek the One who was willing to die for those who killed him above all other answers? This weekend is a great chance to get back on track in your communication with God. We will also be celebrating the Lord's Supper, and we remind you that everyone is welcome at His table!