Practice the Pause

Aug 6, 2023    Pastor Logan Ames

"Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." ~ 1 Peter 5:8

If God's word through the Apostle Peter declares that the devil is actively looking for someone to devour on a constant basis, how do we make sure we won't be his next victim? For years, believers have learned to equate any season of severe trial or testing with "being under spiritual attack". But the reality is that sometimes we just give the devil too much credit. Yes, he is always involved with sin and rebellion because it originated with him, but he can't make you do anything against your will. The devil lays the trap, we jump in it, then we face the consequences, then we claim we are under attack. But Peter's words show that he is always on the prowl, plotting and scheming with the goal of bringing us down. So, we must be alert, and we must be ready to wage war against him. This week at Friendship, we begin a new sermon series called "Waging War" in which we will talk about the weapons, or tools, that we need in this battle. The first part of the series will be specific to prayer, and this week's focus will be to "Practice the Pause". How can we wage war against the devil without really understanding who God is and the power He provides? How can we understand who God is and the power He provides without stopping and quieting our minds so we can consider His presence? Join us this weekend to find out!