Our Glorious Treasure

May 9, 2021    Pastor Logan Ames

What's the most valuable item you possess? Is it your home? Your car? A family heirloom? Something else? If it was something you had to purchase, how long did you work hard and save up for it? Think about the effort and care you have put into seeking, owning, and maintaining that which is precious to you. Now, consider whether you have applied that same urgency and care to your relationship with God with the Father, or even your honoring of your earthly parents. The Bible is filled with words about not just honoring our father and mother, but also considering their teaching and instruction as valuable as any hidden treasure. And just in case you didn't know them or experienced nothing but pain from them, the command is not just for those who are biologically related to you. We all must value the wisdom of those who have more years than we do. This week at Friendship, we'll celebrate Mother's Day by reminding everyone of these commands, and then we'll look at how Christ Jesus is the most valuable treasure we could have. Through Christ, God has lavished His grace and love on us. It's an overflowing treasure chest! Join us and learn all about it.