Freedom From The Curse
Are you overwhelmed by the fact that no matter how badly you want to make the right choices, you keep making the wrong ones? Are you weary from doing everything you can to satisfy a standard that someone else has set for you, yet never being able to measure up? If you answered "yes" to either of these important questions, you'd have a lot in common with some of the earliest Christians, especially the Gentile believers. Christianity started in Jerusalem with those who followed Jewish laws and customs, but as the apostles began to spread it around Asia and Europe, it was critical that the true message of freedom in Christ was preached - not the laws of Judaism. This week at Friendship, we'll be exploring Paul's letter to the Galatians, where we see that Jesus is "Freedom from the Curse". As the pressure mounted for Gentiles to abandon a life defined by grace and conform to the standards and traditions of a works-based religion that could not save them, the Spirit sent Paul to remind them of their freedom, paid for by the blood of Christ. Once set free, it would be foolishness to willingly fall back under the curse that happens as a result of our inability to achieve perfection. Whether you're worn out from depending on your own ability to do good or exhausted from the shame and guilt of your sin, please join us this weekend and get reacquainted with freedom in Christ Jesus!