The Everlasting Covenant
One of the most annoying things coming back to Pennsylvania from Ohio was realizing that we were once again responsible for getting our vehicles inspected once a year. Does anyone else ever feel like you can't believe it's been a year already? Come to think of it, I feel that way regarding just about every contract or certification that I have to renew. Don't you just wish something, anything at all, in your life was valid forever? The good news is that, if you have accepted Christ's sacrifice for your sins and surrendered to Him as Lord, you DO have an agreement that's good for eternity. This week at Friendship, we'll look at the Book of Hebrews where Jesus and "The Everlasting Covenant" by His blood are on display. God has promised this to us for thousands of years even before it was fulfilled in Jesus. As we learn about the reality of these everlasting promises, may the hope they provide be an anchor for your soul. Join us to be encouraged!