Our Mediator and Faithful Pastor
How do you resolve disagreements with those closest to you? Do you simply wait and hope it will be forgotten? Do you speak your mind and let the chips fall where they may? That's not generally a wise choice. The better choice to calmly and gently approach the other party with the intention of reconciling. However, we all know what the road to hell is paved with - good intentions! Sometimes, even when two parties desire to work out a disagreement, it's nearly impossible for each side to see the other's point of view. When every other attempt has been exhausted, we then turn to someone like a pastor or counselor who may be able to help mediate the situation. Consider your relationship with our Creator. There is no way you can fully understand His holiness, and there is no way He can relate to being a sinner. For this reason, we were desperate for a mediator ever since we sinned and were separated from God. This week at Friendship, we'll dig into the last of Paul's letters in the Bible and gain understanding regarding how and why Jesus Christ is "Our Mediator and Faithful Pastor". No matter who you are, salvation is possible because of His work in reconciling us back to God. You do not want to miss this teaching and opportunity to seek Him!