Our Coming King

May 30, 2021    Pastor Logan Ames

This coming Monday, we as a nation celebrate Memorial Day. A proper celebration of this holiday is not about pools and barbecues, though enjoying those aspects of freedom does come directly as a result of those who provided and defended it. A proper celebration of Memorial Day involves pausing to consider the pain, suffering, and death that so many faced so we wouldn't have to. People are willing to suffer and even die for something when they can look ahead and see something far bigger and more valuable than this earthly life. For followers of Jesus, we can endure suffering and death in this life because we are confident of our future reward in heaven and the future reign of our Lord Jesus, who came to earth the first time as a sacrificial lamb but will return as the Lion of Judah. He was the suffering servant, but He will return as a conquering king! This week at Friendship, we'll look at Paul's letters to the church in Thessalonica, where he urges them to endure persecution by looking toward Jesus, who is "Our Coming King". In addition to focusing on Jesus who bought our freedom with His blood, we will also spend time honoring and remembering those who died to keep us free here in our great nation. Join us this weekend and be encouraged no matter what suffering you may be facing right now - even if it's death - because in Christ there is always reason to rejoice!