
Aug 1, 2021    Pastor Logan Ames

How do you deal with warning signs? It probably depends on what the sign is warning you about. Most of us probably ignore speed limits, calorie counts on food labels, our parents' advice, and even Biblical commands until we experience the consequences and find ourselves in great suffering. It's in those moments that we realize it would've been a lot better for us had we just heeded the warnings BEFORE we had to suffer. In our sinful human nature, there is always this desire within us to push the limits, to see how far we can go down the wrong path without having to suffer any consequences. How fast can I drive over the speed limit without Mr. Police Officer handing me a citation? How many bowls of pasta and ice cream can I eat without having diabetes or a heart attack? How much can I sin without suffering the real consequences for my actions?

These thoughts fail to recognize that the rules and warnings from the Lord are not there to take away something fun, but to ensure that we will have abundant life! This week at Friendship, we'll look at Jesus' words to the church in Thyatira, a church that did many good things and grew in many positive ways, yet tolerated sin and failed to see how it would lead to their demise. They needed to heed Jesus' warnings, and we do too. Join us for this much-needed wakeup call!