
Aug 8, 2021    Pastor Logan Ames

I remember years ago traveling with my future sister-in-law to North Carolina for a huge family reunion. We drove over 8 hours and when we were just about 10 minutes away from our destination, she decided we needed to pull over and park so she could "do her makeup". What proceeded to happen as I sat there in the passenger seat made it seem like we were on the set of a Hollywood movie! When I asked her why all this was necessary 10 minutes before the reunion, she said, "Logan, I obviously can't be meeting my future family members for the first time without all this makeup on!" Being an obviously uninformed man, I didn't see what the big deal was. The makeup didn't actually change her; it just allowed her to keep up the image she preferred. In reality, this is what many people do spiritually. Rather than the hard work of repentance and change on the inside, we try to find ways to mask our blemishes so we can keep up the image we want others to have of us. This week at Friendship, we'll look at Jesus' words to the church in Sardis, a group of people who had a great reputation that they likely worked hard to keep. Yet, Jesus knew the truth about them and called them out on it. Once they were exposed as a dead church, the only way to be included in the book of life was to repent and walk with Jesus. We face the same options today. Join us over the weekend and let Jesus unmask you!