I remember an Elvis song I used to enjoy listening to called, Stop, Look and Listen Baby. So I need to you to Stop what you are doing,unless you are driving, operating on someone or anything else that could hurt you or someone know what I mean. Are you thinking about and Looking for areas to do Kingdom stuff or worldly stuff? Have you served someone other than yourself today? Have you been Listening to, and obedient to, the Holy Spirit of God today? How easy is it for us to take our eyes off Jesus during the storm or even in the calm waters, the church of Pergamos did just that when it came to watching out for their brothers and sisters. Because of all of the technology of our times we can spend hours online looking at kittens doing backflips or football games and being married to the World and neglecting the most important person in the World that came down from Heaven, taught us right and wrong, then took a huge beating for us, then got nailed to the cross, died then conquered death so that He can save the World that beat and hung Him on the Cross. So when we turn our attention to anything other than Jesus or helping the Kingdom come on Earth as it is in Heaven, we risk becoming like the church in Pergamos and becoming Married to the World. This weekend at Friendship, we'll look at the letter to the church in Pergamos, in which Jesus commended the believers for being faithful and holding on to His Name,but rebuking them for allowing brothers and sisters to lose their faith and fall for the traps of the World, the Loving Father that we have uses the mistakes of the past to strengthen our present and future so we urge you to join us and learn with us!