Water is one of the most basic needs for every human being on the planet. Along with food, air, and shelter, it is one of the four things we must have in order to survive. Water can also be very pleasing and comforting for us. When you are cold, have achy muscles, or have just come in from a hard day's work, nothing beats a nice, hot shower to sooth and relax you. On the flipside, if you've been active in sports, worked outside in the hot sun, or just got done on a treadmill, you're looking for the refreshing taste of ice cold water. So, hot water serves a great purpose at one time, and cold water serves a great purpose at another time. What should we think, then, about LUKEWARM water? Jesus says He'll vomit it out of his mouth. Yuck! This week at Friendship, we'll be looking at Jesus' letter to the church in the town of Laodicea. Laodicea was known for its lukewarm water because it sat between the hot springs or Hieropolis and the icy cold mountain waters of Colosse. But when it came to His followers, Jesus wasn't focused on lukewarm water; the issue was their lukewarm faith. Join us this weekend to find out how Jesus addressed this issue, and the opportunity for repentance that was yet again extended to those who mocked and rejected Him. God's grace and patience are amazing!