Don't Waste It
Many of us know that, in the Garden at Gethsemane, Jesus anxiously prayed to God and asked if it is possible for the cup of wrath to be taken from him, then said something like, "Yet not what I will but your will be done". How many of you have said something like, "Yet not what you will, Father, but MY will be done"? I doubt that anyone has their hand up because you probably haven't verbally spoken those words, but the truth is we've all said this to God in our hearts. Anytime we sin, we are choosing our will over His. When we do that, we are wasting whatever gifts He has given us in order to be part of accomplishing His will in the world. But God does not want us to waste what He has given us. This week at Friendship, we'll look at how we can avoid falling into the trap that at least one of our Biblical heroes fell into when he was set apart and gifted for a specific work of God only to become arrogant and nearly waste it all. We'll talk about putting our gifts to use in this limited time we have on this earth.