The Potter's Hand

Jul 14, 2019    Pastor Logan Ames

What do clay, wood, and rock all have in common? What is different about them? Only one of these can be molded to perfectly fit the design intended by its handler without losing any of its original composition. This happens even when the original substance has been spoiled, as it is remade to be what the creator had in mind. God created every single one of us uniquely so that we would not be 100% identical to anyone else in this world. However, sin has spoiled us and defaced the original product. Because of this, every human being needs to be remade, reshaped, and regenerated. Thankfully, God is in the business of remaking things. This week at Friendship, we'll begin our new PLUGGED IN series by reminding ourselves who we are in "The Potter's Hands". We'll look at why we were created and what His plan is for us going forward with the time we have on this earth.