Faith and Freedom
As we remember the heroics of so many who perished on September 11, 2001, it tends to make us thankful for the rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness that we were first of all endowed with by our Creator, and were secondarily afforded by the bravery and sacrifice of so many who went before us in our beloved nation. Though many have tried and will continue to try to take away those rights, none have succeeded. As followers of Jesus Christ, we can understand and experience a freedom that is not contained within the borders of our country, but is extended to all peoples on earth who will fall at Jesus' feet and admit their need for a Savior. We cannot be justified on our own and any attempt to do so is a rejection and denial of Christ and his sacrifice. There are people, ideas, and circumstances that will try to enslave us once again, but the only power they have is the power we give them. This week at Friendship, we'll talk about "faith and freedom". We'll discuss the freedom that Christ has won for us and that is only available to us by faith in HIM. We'll also address the various "yokes of slavery" that we may be putting back on ourselves without even knowing it. You don't want to miss this encouragement to walk in freedom!