Labor Of Love

Oct 27, 2019    Pastor Logan Ames

We live in a culture that, for the most part, teaches us to look out for #1. Many churches and believers in our country have fallen victim to this deception and have begun to teach and preach that we should all do whatever makes us happiest and comfortable. We're taught that God doesn't want us to be over-extended or overworked. The result has been a self-focused theology which has led to a decrease in workers ready to serve the Lord, volunteers in the local church and other ministries, and in church tithes and offerings. We're led to believe that we shouldn't be doing anything that makes us suffer a little bit of discomfort. While the people of Friendship are committed to bucking this trend, we still have to recognize the deception that is out there. Our Lord was overwhelmed, mentally and emotionally spent, and physically exhausted, yet he endured the cross out of his love for us! This week at Friendship, we'll talk about what it means to endure our "Labor of Love" as we follow in Jesus' footsteps, even when we are ready to give up. If you are feeling weary or overwhelmed, this message is for you!