"Don't take for granted the love this life gives you; when you get where you're going, don't forget turn back around; and help the next one in line, always be humble and kind". These are the closing lyrics in the hit song by Tim McGraw from a few years ago called "Humble and Kind". When we come to know Jesus, we realize that He gave us life so that we could receive and experience His love for us. But, it's not supposed to end there. We ought to LIVE with humility in the way we love God and love His children, helping them to experience His love just the same. This week at Friendship, we'll discover what it means to practice "Humility in Love". We'll see the example that Jesus has set for us to follow, as well as the dangers and consequences of living with the opposite of humility - pride. Don't forget to bring your Bibles as we all examine the Word of God together! We'll also be remembering Christ's humble sacrifice by celebrating Communion, and we remind you that ALL who recognize Christ as Savior are welcome at the table!