What Is Love
One of the most talked about subjects in our culture is also one of the most talked about subjects in the Bible. Despite this reality, it is still one of the most misunderstood ideas both inside and outside of the Church. I'm talking about LOVE. The culture around us generally doesn't respect or value God's Word, yet when it comes to the love of Christ, that same culture is quick to lecture followers of Jesus on what it means to reflect His love. A secular or worldly view of love that lectures Christians on Jesus' love has resulted in much confusion, and the answer is for us to return to a Biblical understanding that is clearly separate from a worldly understanding. This week at Friendship, we embark on a new series called "The Truth About Love" by first discussing what LOVE is. We'll line up the Biblical view against the secular view to see what are the principles to which we should be adhering. Come and hear the truth in love!