End Of the Old ___, Beginning Of The New ____
The Christmas season has come and gone. In fact, 2019 has just about come and gone. It's hard to believe how fast time appears to be moving for some of us. Every year seems to be going by faster and faster, which is a necessary reminder that we are allotted only a limited amount of time on this earth and in relationship with those around us. How are you using that time? How do you hope to use it differently in 2020? We've gone through a 3-month series called "The Truth About Love", and this week at Friendship, we wrap it up by discussing what it means to take the love we've received from the Lord and love others "forward" in their lives. We'll discuss how the reality of a new year and new season can impact our understanding of our own relationship with Christ and what it means to live like him in relationship with the people in our lives. Wrap up your year the right way by hearing this word and receiving the encouragement necessary to look forward to 2020!