"Who is in Heaven"

Jan 12, 2025    Pastor Logan Ames

"Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things" ~ Colossians 3:1-2

One of the problems in the Church today is that many believers fail to look ahead to heaven and instead remain too focused on earthly things. Paul implores the Colossians to flip this, so that they wouldn't get too bogged down with that which is temporary, but would instead keep their eyes on the prize. This means keeping worldly successes, and worldly failures, in proper view. It also means keeping worldly blessings, and worldly pains, in proper view. We shouldn't get too high or too low because of what occurs here because we know it will all fade away and we'll be with God in heaven. This is one reason why it's important to remember where God is, to pray as Jesus taught by acknowledging our Father, "who is in heaven". It reminds us of His holiness, but also the future resting place for all who receive and believe in the Name of Jesus, when God dwells with us. This week at Friendship, we'll cover that second phrase of the Lord's Prayer and focus on the realities of heaven and how they impact our faith and daily living now. Join us for this reminder of God's power, His holiness, and His promises!