Resurrecting Power
What does it take to get you to believe that something you hope for is possible when you are beyond convinced that it isn't? You can read all about what it would be like if the thing happens, you can surround yourself with those who encourage you to keep the faith, and you can even strategize with a team on how to potentially make the thing happen. But chances are, the only way you can go from a strong unbelief to a strong realization that it's possible is by watching someone else do it. As a child, I didn't believe I could get over my fear of heights to even ride roller-coasters. But when I watched other people overcoming it with their "roller-coaster riding power", I eventually concluded that I could too. The same was true when I went skydiving in 2005. Only watching others do it gave me the confidence that I could. In the same way, God resurrected Jesus Christ from the dead, not just for Jesus' sake, but so that WE could know that His "Resurrecting Power" is available to us as well. This week at Friendship, as we celebrate Easter and our Lord's resurrection, we'll take a look at what it means for us and the hope we can have. If you've been struggling to move forward from a difficult loss, living in a dying or dead marriage, battling addiction, or fearing death, we believe that God wants you to hear this message and be changed!