The Mouth of God

Feb 5, 2023    Pastor Logan Ames

What's the dumbest thing you've ever said? How about the most hurtful? The most careless? It may take you some time to come up with your answer to these questions, but chances are that these words came back to bite you at some point. We've been taught as a society and even in the church to focus on actions because they "speak louder than words". While that's true, we can never pretend as if our words just don't matter. Jesus tells us our words will either justify us or condemn us. Paul tells us it's with our mouths that we confess Jesus is our Lord. Our mouths are important because, like every other part of is, they come from God and reflect His image. This week at Friendship, we'll discuss "The Mouth of God" and what it means for us to be very slow and deliberate with our words so that rather than being careless with our mouths, we use them to praise and glorify our Creator. Join us for this important message of reflection, repentance, and renewal